News Listing
McMaster ensembles explore movie music, winter and space in upcoming concerts
Humanities, School of the Arts
Daily News ➚
Student art reflects stages and possibilities of university journeys
Humanities, School of the Arts
Fall Major Production is a ‘tapestry of ideas and actions’
Humanities, School of the Arts
Daily News ➚
Black box theatre’s new name honours a philanthropic legacy at McMaster
Humanities, School of the Arts
Meet our first- year award-winners: Alex Lupish and Olivia Mostacci
Humanities, School of the Arts
Meet our first-year award-winners: Marziya Khan, Sophia Chmura and Rayva Kent
Humanities, School of the Arts
Daily News ➚
Mac grads headline new exhibition at the Art Gallery of Hamilton
Gender and Social Justice, Humanities, School of the Arts
iArts students reveal zine display in President’s Corridor
Humanities, School of the Arts
Black Lives Matter Memorial Project Art Exhibition featured work of SOTA professor Syrus Marcus Ware
Humanities, School of the Arts
Three Faculty of Humanities professors recognized for excellence in Teaching and Learning
Communication Studies and Media Arts, History, Humanities, School of the Arts